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DGA Forestry > Forest Management

Forest Management

DGA Forestry is a specialist forestry management and consultancy organisation based in Scotland. Forestry in all its aspects is our core business. We believe the interests of the forest owner are quite separate from those of contractors and timber merchants. This principle forms the basic underlying philosophy of the firm and our relationship with our clients.

We have no financial interest in, or dependent relationship, with any contractor, supplier, timber merchant or wood processor. We are therefore able to offer our clients complete freedom of choice at all stages of the development of their property or project. Contractors and timber merchants are engaged not only on a competitive basis, but also on standards of quality and reliability.

Each individual client is offered impartial and independent advice whether they be a small private client; major landowner; multi-national company or government department to ensure their property or project is managed to meet their specific aims and objectives. The partners of the firm oversee all management and projects from start to finish.

Regular contact is important for both the client and the firm to ensure that programmes of work and management objectives are accurately implemented. We liaise regularly with clients over all major management decisions. Annual reports, including forecasts of expenditure and income are prepared and submitted to clients for approval. Where required we also prepare longer term management plans and forecasts to meet the clients requirements.

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Dalmorton Forest

A 400ha forest planted on land acquired for a client by DGA Forestry in the late 90’s. View Case Study ›

Stronachullin Estate

Established in 1997, this estate contains nearly 200ha of commercial forestry and close to 600ha of new and existing native woodland. View Case Study ›

Muldron Estate

Managed by DGA Forestry since planted in 1972, this 1000ha forest has undergone huge change in the interim period. View Case Study ›